In the Questions and Answer session I ask the children (5) questions and in return allow them to ask me anything they want to. I always have one or two answers that really amaze me! There was one child who was brought in at 6 years old, after running away from home where he was being beaten. When I asked what he loved…he laughed at me as if it was obvious…he said…”Teacher, I love life!”
1) If I could make anything happen what would it be? I would put all the street children in school
I would give everyone peace and happiness
I would make the streets a safer place
I would do away with violence
I would take all kids out of the streets
2) What do you wish for? I wish I could go to heaven
I wish my mother could get out of prison
I wish my mother would stop drinking
I wish…to be happy
I wish someday to find my relatives, and teach them about Jesus
I wish to be “somebody” when I grow up I wish for peace in the world
I wish I could go to medical school
3) What do you love? I love life
I love Jesus
I love God
I love Brazil
4) What do you not like? I don’t want to die
I don’t like fights
I don’t like violence
I don’t like lies
I don’t like people who are false
I don’t like people who rub my head
5) What do you want to be when you grow up? Business woman
Captain of the Marines
Football player